Cipri Italian Francesca’s Melanzane Giardinata
Marinated eggplant, carrot, celery, capers, garlic, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, chilli. Use as a side dish for roasted meats, impromptu lunches with good bread,
canned tuna, cheese and salumi or in a sandwich or panino.
Francesca used to help her mum make this mix back in Calabria from
when she was only 8 years old (55 years ago). They had to make their
living off the land, there was always an abundance of vegetables on their
farm. It was not the norm to buy food back then, so they had to create
what they could using their own produce.
In Italy, eggplants were in abundance in Summer, so the family would
make enough to last them though the winter months. Fortunately for
Francesca’s family and friends, eggplants in Australia are available all
year round. Made at Cipri Italian. 300g
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